Inquire about a Service Dog

Eligible persons include

Veteran: An individual who has served in the Canadian Armed Forces or Royal Canadian Mounted Police
First Responder:For the purposes of our organization we define a first responder as a police officer, firefighter or paramedic. Individuals who have previously held one of these roles and who’s role required them to be the first direct response in emergency situations.

Qualifying Criteria

To apply for a FTK9 Service Dog, an individual must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a Veteran or First Responder with proof of service and current work situation, if applicable
  • Have proof of a diagnosis of an Operational Stress Injury including PTSD, or TBI
  • Is actively and successfully involved in a care plan to manage their diagnosis by seeing care team and following the desired program
  • Have a letter or referral from your treating Therapist, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or Mastered leveled Clinician indicating that they think a service dog will be beneficial
  • Have the means and ability to provide for all the dog’s needs, including food, shelter,veterinarian care, exercise, and continued training
  • Can commit to the training program and understands the need to follow the rules and guidelines to keep their dog up on all the training so that they continue to function as a Service Dog
  • Fire Team K9 does not place Service Dogs in homes with children under 6 years old.  
  • Fire Team K9 requires that there is a maximum of 1 pet in the household, and does not place dogs in households with puppies or restricted breeds/animals. Any animal in the house must be screened for compatibility prior to placing a Service Dog in the home, and provide proof of vaccinations. This is to ensure the working dog’s safety and well-being.

Only a diagnosis of an Operational Stress Injury, including the following conditions, may be approved to receive a Service Dog.

  • PTSD
  • Brain Trauma: which causes PTSD-like symptom

If necessary, additional training for a Service Dog may be completed such as medication alert, or mobility support.

Not all disabilities can be aided by a Service Dog. Some disabilities are difficult or impossible for a Service Dog to navigate, like Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) or Degenerative Diseases that affect adrenaline and/ or cortisol production. 

Persons that are unable to receive a Service Dog from Fire Team K9 may include, but are not limited to, persons diagnosed with:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Bi-polar disorder
  • Complex Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
  • Extreme Paranoia
  • Psychopathy
  • Sociopathy
  • Degenerative Diseases (Example, MS)

Eligible persons must :

  • Complete the Fire Team K9 Application Package
  • Submit all required documentation with the application including proof of service, diagnosis, and letter of referral within 30 days.
  • Have an approved prescriber who is providing ongoing treatment for a minimum of 12 months
  • Complete the Applicant Readiness Criteria and the Wounded Warriors Canada Service Dog Prescriber Guidelines Requisition. Upon return of Fire Team K9 Service Dog application, the WWC Requisition is sent by Fire Team K9 directly to the prescriber and must be returned within 30 days.
  • Independently complete the application process including interviews, home visits, and training.
  • Be willing to work with your care team and FIre Team K9s to optimize the use of a Service Dog in your treatment plan.
  • Be in compliance with FTK9s current policies
  • Inform Fire Team K9s if their circumstances change in order to take that into account before a dog is teamed with its handler. Failure to do so will result in termination of our contract.
  • Maintain their primary residence within the FTK9 service area for the duration of their application process through to certification.
  • If an applicant is a CAF member releasing, they must have a release date, and be in ongoing treatment for a minimum of 12 months with a prescriber who will continue to provide ongoing treatment after release. 

Failure to meet these parameters will result in denial of a Service Dog. Re-submission may occur once a applicant’s situation has changed. 

Fire Team K-9’s Inc. provides Service Dogs to Veterans and First Responders with Operational Stress Injuries. Our Eligibility Criteria exists solely to best match individuals to our dog’s skills and training. Our dogs are trained to mitigate specific diagnosis.

Application Process

To help ensure the success of each team, we have designed an intensive application process to assist with the placement and matching of our dogs.

Service Dogs are valued at $40,000 over their eight to ten year working life; however, each dog is provided free of charge to approved clients.

FTK-9 Inc receives no government funding and relies entirely on donations from the general public, corporate sponsors, fundraising events, and community supporters.

Clients are not obligated to fundraise, and fundraising efforts are in no way tied to when and if they receive their Service Dog; however, many assist our existing fundraising efforts or organize their own fundraisers.

The actual direct cost of the Service Dog to the client is their travel, accommodations and food costs during the Education Stage of the process.

Our application process is currently OPEN. Please indicate your interest through our Inquiry Form. 

Inquiry Stage

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Applicants interested in a FTK9 Service Dog express their interest online by completing our Inquiry Form. Eligible inquiries will receive a phone call within 30 days to review their eligibility and disccus the application process.

Inquiries are currently OPEN. Please indicate your interest through our Inquiry Form.

Eligibility Stage

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Applicants are guided through completing the application package by our Client Services team. Applicants meet with their care providers to complete portions of the application, then return all documents to Client Services. Other criteria required to complete the Application Stage may include: an inperson interview, a home-visit, a consultation with your prescribing medial team, or other meetings as determined by FTK9 in order to understand your individual needs.

Application Stage

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Applicants are guided through home visits and an in person interview.

Education Stage

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Applicants attend our Service Dog Handler Program to work with a potential Service Dog match. This program includes a minimum of 80 hours of in-person learning in written, video and hands-on learning and up to 8 months of practical learning experiences.

Certification Stage

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Applicants are supported by FTK-9 during the matching process with additional skills maintenance, regular access to our Trainers and for recertification. This Aftercare continues for the life of your Service Dog.
The Service Dog Application Process may take up to two years to complete

Fire Team K-9’s Inc. is a proud Service Dog provider for Wounded Warriors Canada and the Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Command.

all rights reserved © FTK9 Inc.